Energy Communication Planning

自分で考え、動くために。Think and Act on our own


Through support for energy and environmental education, and communication activities related to nuclear energy and radiation, I contribute to the development of human resources who can "deal with the risks around them," "think and decide for themselves," and "protect themselves, their loved ones, and the environment".


エネルギー広報企画舎の3つの柱Main Areas of Activity


  • 次世代層や女性層を主な対象として、エネルギーや原子力、放射線について授業やセミナーを実施
  • 授業やセミナーの経験値を基に、各社の講師を務める社員養成を支援
  • Seminars on nuclear energy and radiation, mainly for the next generation and women
  • Training of new lecturers based on experience in teaching classes and seminars

教育・研究活動サポートSupport for Education and Research Activities

  • 放射線リスクリテラシー育成に関する教育・研究活動をサポート
  • 関連する国際プロジェクト(IAEA等)の活動に日本チームのメンバーとして参画
  • Support educational and research activities related to the development of radiation risk literacy
  • Participation in related international projects (IAEA, etc.) as a member of Team Japan

WiN活動Women in Nuclear

  • WiN-Globalの支部であるWiN-Japanを理事として運営
  • 国内外の会員と連携・情報共有し、カーボンニュートラルや原子力業界のジェンダーバランスに関する情報を発信
  • Executive member of WiN-Japan, a chapter of WiN-Global
  • Collaborate and share information with members in Japan and abroad, then send messages on carbon neutral and gender balance in the nuclear industry