Energy Communication Planning


エネルギーや放射線の授業Lectures on energy and radiation


Lectures on energy, nuclear energy, and radiation for students from elementary school to university.

アジアの国での霧箱実験実演・指導(IAEA技術協力プログラム)Cloud Chamber Experiment Demonstration and Instruction in Asian Countries (IAEA Technical Cooperation Program)


As a member of Team Japan, I have demonstrated and instructed cloud chamber experiments to teachers and students under the IAEA Technical Corporation Program in Asia and Pacific region (TCP-RAS0065 and RAS0079).

アジアの教員向け研修の事務局(IAEA技術協力プログラム)Secretariat for "Train Trainers WS" for teachers in Asia (IAEA Technical Cooperation Program)


Under IAEA Technical Cooperation Program for Asia and Pacific region(TCP-RAS0079), I have involved in TTWS-Train Trainers WS- on radiation and nuclear energy for teachers and educators in Asian countries as the Japanese secretariat.

第29回WiN Global年次大会の運営Organization the 29th WiN Global Annual Conference

2022年5月に東京で開催された第29回WiN(Women in Nuclear) Global年次大会を実行委員として運営しました。

I organized the 29th WiN(Women in Nuclear) Global Annual Conference held in Tokyo in May 2022 as a member of the executive committee.

クライアント・連携先Clients, Collaborators


The University of Tokyo(2012-) / IAEA(2015-)
Kyushu Electric Power(2007-) / Kansai Electric Power(2012-) / Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Incorporated(2017-)
Saga Prefecture(2009-2012) / town Genkai(2019) / Kyusyu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry(2010-2013)
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy(2021-) / Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2023-)